При ошибке обработки запросов API возвращает такую структуру:
"error_code": 1,
"message": "request data validation error",
"detail": {}
Описание некоторых ошибок
Ошибка с кодом 1 означает, что формат запроса не соответствует тому, что метод ожидает. Формат описан в схеме запросов в swagger'e.
Код 429 означает, что превышено ограничение на количество запросов в секунду. Замедлитесь. При превышении лимитов несколько раз подряд, вы будете временно заблокированы.
Если получили код 5xx, сообщите в поддержку.
Список ошибок
"1": {
"message": "request data validation error"
"10": {
"name": "NOT_PAID",
"message": "not paid"
"11": {
"message": "not in subscription"
"400": {
"name": "BAD_REQUEST",
"message": "bad request"
"404": {
"name": "NOT_FOUND",
"message": "not found"
"413": {
"message": "request body is too large"
"429": {
"message": "too many requests"
"500": {
"message": "internal server error"
"1000": {
"message": "contact not found"
"1001": {
"message": "a contact with the same phone or email already exists"
"1002": {
"message": "contact tag not exists"
"2000": {
"name": "NOTE_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "note not found"
"3000": {
"name": "TAG_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "tag not found"
"3001": {
"message": "a tag with the same name already exists"
"4000": {
"name": "CHAT_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "chat not found"
"5000": {
"message": "member not found"
"6000": {
"name": "ITEM_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "item not found"
"6001": {
"message": "item already exists"
"7000": {
"message": "template not found"
"7001": {
"message": "generic waba error"
"7002": {
"message": "waba access error"
"7003": {
"message": "waba phone invalid"
"7004": {
"message": "waba template not found"
"8000": {
"message": "company not found"
"8001": {
"message": "incorrect company limit type"
"10000": {
"message": "connection not found"
"10001": {
"message": "connection with the same params already exists"
"10002": {
"message": "connection type and data type mismatch"
"10004": {
"message": "incorrect client data"
"10005": {
"message": "amocrm unknown error"
"10006": {
"message": "amocrm access error"
"10007": {
"message": "chat is already blacklisted"
"10008": {
"message": "blacklist not contains this chat"
"10009": {
"message": "blacklist contains too many chats"
"10010": {
"message": "connection limit exceeded"
"10011": {
"message": "amocrm invoice catalog not found"
"10012": {
"message": "connection bound to another company"
"10013": {
"message": "amocrm not paid"
"10014": {
"message": "amocrm pipeline not exists"
"11000": {
"message": "unauthorized"
"12000": {
"message": "legal entity was not found"
"12001": {
"message": "incorrect client data"
"12002": {
"message": "signer not found"
"13000": {
"message": "integration not found"
"13001": {
"message": "incorrect integration type"
"13002": {
"message": "unsupported integration type"
"13003": {
"message": "integration deleted"
"13004": {
"message": "invalid integration state"
"13005": {
"message": "integration is already linked to another company"
"13006": {
"message": "integration limit exceeded"
"14000": {
"message": "promocode not found"
"14001": {
"message": "promocode with this value already exists"
"14002": {
"message": "promocodes count limit exceeded"
"15000": {
"message": "mode not supported"
"15001": {
"message": "unable to validate phone number"
"15002": {
"message": "message not found"
"15003": {
"message": "phone is not registered in WhatsApp"
"15004": {
"message": "unsupported connection type"
"15005": {
"message": "incorrect WABA api key"
"15006": {
"message": "instance not authorized"
"15007": {
"message": "instance not paid"
"15008": {
"message": "instance not available"
"15009": {
"message": "unable to create telegram chat"
"15010": {
"message": "specified template is not found in specified locale"
"15011": {
"message": "file url is invalid or not supported"
"15012": {
"message": "markup not supported for this connection type"
"16000": {
"message": "file mime type is not supported"
"17000": {
"message": "telegram error"
"17001": {
"message": "telegram verification code expired"
"17002": {
"message": "telegram flood control triggered"
"17003": {
"message": "telegram two-steps verification is enabled and a password is required"
"17004": {
"message": "telegram already authorized"
"17005": {
"message": "telegram code expired"
"17006": {
"message": "telegram 2fa password incorrect"
"17007": {
"message": "telegram phone/username not occupied (or phone is hidden)"
"17008": {
"message": "telegram authorization error (may need to re-login)"
"17009": {
"message": "the code provided is invalid"
"17010": {
"message": "the phone number provided is invalid"
"17011": {
"message": "the phone number provided is banned"
"18000": {
"message": "an error occurred while processing request"
"18001": {
"message": "invoice not found"
"18002": {
"message": "unsupported VAT value"
"18003": {
"message": "provider error"
"19000": {
"message": "bitrix error"
"19001": {
"message": "bitrix access denied error"
"20000": {
"message": "webhook not found"
"20001": {
"message": "webhook validation error"
"21000": {
"message": "a role with the same name already exists"
"21001": {
"name": "ROLE_NOT_FOUND",
"message": "role not found"
"21002": {
"message": "default role cannot be updated"
"21003": {
"message": "permission not found"
"22001": {
"message": "subscription not found"
"22002": {
"message": "not enough days to recalculate"
"22003": {
"message": "requisite not found"
"22004": {
"message": "invalid promo_code"
"22005": {
"message": "subscription paused"
"22006": {
"message": "subscription payments locked"
"22007": {
"message": "invalid subscription date"
"22008": {
"message": "dialogs payments are locked"
"22009": {
"message": "maximum number of connections exceeded"
"22010": {
"message": "invoice is empty"
"22011": {
"message": "subscription downgrade is not allowed"
"23000": {
"message": "shop not found"
"23001": {
"message": "catalog not found"
"23002": {
"message": "product not found"
"24000": {
"message": "broadcast not found"
"24001": {
"message": "unsupported broadcast connection"
"24002": {
"message": "unable to update broadcast"
"25000": {
"message": "unable to bind facebook account"
"25001": {
"message": "facebook token expired"
"25002": {
"message": "facebook catalog not found"
"25003": {
"message": "facebook account not linked to waba connection"
"25004": {
"message": "facebook unhandled exception"
"25005": {
"message": "facebook invalid app id"
"25006": {
"message": "facebook invalid app secret"
"26000": {
"message": "user form is already filled"
"26001": {
"message": "user form is not available"
"27000": {
"message": "notification channel limit exceeded"
"27001": {
"message": "notification channel with the same chat ID already exists"
"28000": {
"message": "active payout already exists"
"28001": {
"message": "insufficient balance"
"29000": {
"message": "waba settings not available"
"99999": {
"name": "OTHER",
"message": "unknown error"
Last updated
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