🇬🇧Subscription tariffs

Document version No. 5, dated 28.03.2024.

Product/service1 month3 month6 month12 month

60 $

54 $

51 $

48 $

Additional number

30 $

27 $

25,5 $

24 $

​​60 $

​​54 $

51 $

​​48 $

Additional number

​30 $

​27 $

​25,5 $

​24 $

​35 $

​31 $

​29 $

​28 $

​Additional TG bot

​20 $

​18 $

​17 $

​16 $

Affordable payment options:

Payments are made in the RadistWeb cabinet in the "Settings" - "Subscriptions" section, more details: Subscriptions ⚠️ Except PayPal payments.

  1. "Payment by card in $" - allows you to make payments using payment cards issued outside of Russia in dollars.

  2. "PayPal"- this method of payment is performed only in the case of lack of possibility to pay by card (transaction error). Payment is made outside the RadistWeb cabinet, as well as it is required to interact with the manager of Radist.Online in chat.

Product/service1 month3 month6 month12 month

Subscribe Radist.Online

140 $

126 $

119 $

112 $

Extra number WABA

110 $

99 $

93.5 $

88 $

WABA dialogs (incoming and outgoing)

Verification assistance (one-time payment at the client's request)

70 $

WABA Number Replacement

40 $

👌 Payment terms and benefits at Radist.Online:

• Payment by card in rubles or dollars. • Payment for subscription, WABA-numbers, WABA-dialogs in RadistWeb personal cabinet in rubles or dollars.

📨 Cost of WABA dialogs with payment in Radist.Online:

Charging for incoming dialogs is specified in the "Support" field

Conversion from Euro to Dollar is made at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia at the time of purchase of WABA indicative dialogs.

Dialogs are paid only for opening a dialog by the client or by you. If your client wrote to you first, you pay once, and a free dialog window opens for 24 hours. After the expiration of the 24-hour window of customer service you again pay one or another amount, depending on the category of dialog, as well as who first wrote the client or business.

Last updated