Subscription tariffs
Document version No. 6, dated 15.01.2025.
Last updated
Document version No. 6, dated 15.01.2025.
Last updated
Tariff change date: February 1, 2025.
Connecting only one phone number. If a customer needs more rooms, they switch to a higher rate.
Unlimited incoming conversations.
Initiation of outgoing conversations: 50 per month.
The size of the dialog box is a calendar month.
On the initial tariff, outgoing message limits do not increase immediately upon renewal. The limits are updated only after the end of the current reporting month and are displayed in your merchant profile.
Everything in the "Start" tariff +
Unlimited addition of numbers.
The client uses as many rooms as they have paid for.
Everything in the "Start" and "Standard" tariffs +
Unlimited incoming and outgoing conversations.
Unlimited addition of numbers. The client uses as many rooms as they have paid for.
Connecting only one phone number. If a customer needs more rooms, they switch to a higher rate.
Unlimited incoming conversations.
Initiation of outgoing conversations: 5 per month.
On the initial tariff, outgoing message limits do not increase immediately upon renewal. The limits are updated only after the end of the current reporting month and are displayed in your merchant profile.
Everything in the "Start" tariff +
Unlimited incoming and outgoing conversations.
Unlimited addition of numbers. The client uses as many rooms as they have paid for.
Everything in the "Start" and "Standard" tariffs +
Unlimited incoming and outgoing conversations.
Access to end-to-end analytics and group chats.
Unlimited addition of numbers. The client uses as many rooms as they have paid for.
Trial period for new clients:
A 3-day free trial period is provided on the "Advanced" tariff.
After the end of the test, the subscription becomes paid upon payment.
The customer can pay for the subscription and receive a 5% discount when paying during the trial period (combined with other discounts).
When purchasing multiple numbers on WhatsApp, Telegram or WhatsApp Business API (WABA), a discount applies:
Number 1: there is no discount.
2-4 rooms: 20% discount.
5-9 rooms: 30% discount.
10-19 rooms: 40% discount.
20 or more rooms: 50% discount.
When choosing a tariff, the user sees possible payment periods with discounts.:
1 month: no discount.
3 months: 10% discount
6 months: 15% discount
12 months: 20% discount
Discounts are combined with the payment for additional rooms.
The client will be able to change the tariff to a higher one (Upgrade):
WhTariff change (Upgrade). On the payment page, when the tariff is changed (Upgrade), the customer selects an option higher than the current one and clicks "Pay". The system calculates the surcharge for the remaining period, and the customer pays the difference.
"Payment by card in $" - allows you to make payments using payment cards issued outside of Russia in dollars.
"PayPal"- this method of payment is performed only in the case of lack of possibility to pay by card (transaction error). Payment is made outside the RadistWeb cabinet, as well as it is required to interact with the manager of Radist.Online in chat.
Subscribe Radist.Online
140 $
126 $
119 $
112 $
WABA dialogs (incoming and outgoing)
Verification assistance (one-time payment at the client's request)
WABA Number Replacement
40 $
• Payment by card in rubles or dollars. • Payment for subscription, WABA-numbers, WABA-dialogs in RadistWeb personal cabinet in rubles or dollars.
Charging for incoming dialogs is specified in the "Support" field
Conversion from Euro to Dollar is made at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of Russia at the time of purchase of WABA indicative dialogs.
Dialogs are paid only for opening a dialog by the client or by you. If your client wrote to you first, you pay once, and a free dialog window opens for 24 hours. After the expiration of the 24-hour window of customer service you again pay one or another amount, depending on the category of dialog, as well as who first wrote the client or business.
Payments are made in the RadistWeb cabinet in the "Settings" - "Subscriptions" section, more details: Subscriptions Except PayPal payments.
10% discount
15% discount
20% discount