Connecting the shop to Telegram Bot

When a store is created in RadistWeb, a URL link is displayed on the block of the created store

You need to copy it, and go to BotFather in telegram to connect the store to Telegram Bot To do this, enter the /mybots command and the system will output the bots that have already been created.

Select the bot where you want to place the store and select the “Bot Settings” command

Then select "menu button"

Click “Configure menu button”

Send the URL link that was copied from the created store to RadistWeb (From the instructions, select Window after clicking "Create Store")

Come up with a text for the button that will lead to the store

Done. The BotFather service will send a message about the successful setup

We are checking whether the Telegram store has appeared in our Telegram Bot

To do this, go to the telegram search bot (find an already created bot, usually located by the username you specified), in which a button was placed to go to the Telegram store:

  • launch the bot by clicking “start”, if it is not already running ,

  • check for the presence of a button in the message input field

  • the first time you click on the button, a warning window will appear, click “Confirm”

    A store will open in Telegram. The customer can add products to the cart and send it to you (provided that you have added products to RadistWeb according to the instructions)


  • The Telegram store will be displayed only when it is connected to the correct Telegram Bot, which is specified when creating the store in RadistWeb

  • If you delete a catalog or store in RadistWeb, the button to go to the Cart store in Telegram Bot will remain, but an empty page will open. You can also delete the button via BotFather in the settings

Last updated