WABA templates

WhatsApp Business API Templates

The WhatsApp Business API template is a message for customers that can contain text input fields (customer name, meeting time, media files, quick response buttons, etc.), and which has passed Facebook moderation* and is allowed to be sent to customers.

After passing the moderation of templates in Facebook*, templates can be sent to clients from the personal account of RadistWeb, Kommo.com .

It is now very easy to submit for moderation and monitor their status: all this can be done directly from our personal account Radist.Online.

How it works:

In the Templates menu there is a section "WABA templates" where you can create, delete, add a WABA template in any language, copy a template (for example, for a small edition for another group of clients).

Templates created in 360Dialog will also be available in this section.

This new section will be available to employees who have access rights in the Templates section.

Read more about the rights settings in the article: "Available rights for roles"

Going to the "WABA templates" section, a drop-down list appears with all the waba numbers from the "Connections" section

After selecting a WABA connection, a list of templates for the selected connection appears:

If no template has been created yet, a window appears for creating the first template with the "Create template" button:

Creating a WABA template via RadistWeb:

In order to create a WABA template, you need to click on the "Create template" button.

The window for creating a WABA template opens:

When creating a template, you must fill in:

Template name, category (default is "Marketing"), language, Permission to change the category (default is "Yes"), Main text.

The remaining fields are optional (footer, buttons and title)

Fill in the fields one by one:

  • Specify the "Name" of the template:

The template name can be in any language, there are no restrictions for the name.

❗️ In the RadistWeb account, new templates will be displayed with the name specified when creating them in our RadistWeb account, and templates created in 360Dialog will be displayed with their name.

But in the 360 Dialog itself, this template will be translated into transliteration. That is, if the name is "template 11" created in our personal account RadistWeb, 360Dialog will have the name "shablon_111_"

  • Select the "Template Category":

Depending on the selected template category, the fields for filling in and creating a template will change

  • Next, select the "Language" of the template:

    For successful moderation of the template, it is important to enter the text of the template in the language that was originally selected.

  • Next, you need to select "is it possible to change the template category or not":

    The "permission to change the category" option is needed so that if the template has the wrong category, then Facebook* does not refuse, but changes it itself at its discretion.

  • Next, the "Template header" is filled in:

The title can be either text, or an image, or a document, or a video.

If the "text" type is selected, then you can enter 60 characters, when inserting a variable, each character of the variable is also included in 60 characters.

There can be a maximum of one variable.

To add a variable, click on the "+The variable"

When clicking on the button, "{{1}}" is inserted at the end of the text

If the user has used one variable, the add variable button stops being active.

  • Next, fill in the "main text" of the template:

Required field

Maximum 1024 characters, maximum 99 variables. When clicking on the "+" buttonThe variable" is inserted at the end of the text "{{1}}", "{{2}}", "{{3}}" and so on. When you enter 99 variables in the main text, the "+ Variable" button is blocked.

The main text can only be text, files cannot be inserted.

Clicking on the smiley icon at the bottom of the "Main text" field opens a list of emoticons, as in chats. One smiley counts as 2 characters.

🔥 You can create your template text attractive and original, which will make your message stand out among others and leave a vivid impression on customers.

How to do this:

In order to highlight the text in bold, select the text and click on the button with the letter "B" at the bottom of the "Main text" field

In order to italicize the text, select the text and click on the button with the letter "I" at the bottom of the "Main text" field

In order to highlight the crossed-out text, select the text and click on the button with the crossed-out letter "S" at the bottom of the "Main text" field

In order to increase the distance between the letters, select the text and click on the "< >" button. at the bottom of the "Main text" field

🙌 Example:

  • "Footer"

This field is optional. Fill it out at your discretion:

WABA template with buttons:

In order to customize the buttons in the WABA template, you need to do this in the "Buttons" field:

All text input fields are required

There can be a maximum of 10 buttons in total.

Limits on button types:

  • Text button - 10 buttons (Maximum 20 characters)

  • Phone number - 1 button (Maximum 20 characters. You can only enter a phone number. This is the number that will be inserted for a call in the phone when you click on the button. )

  • Link - 2 buttons (Unlike 360 dialog, we can add two buttons with links. Maximum of 20 characters You can only enter a link This is the link that will open in the browser when you click on the button).

If the "Phone Number" button was added first, then when the second button is added, there will no longer be a button with the "Phone Number" type in the list of button types. Similarly with the "Link" type (there can be 2 of them)

After you have filled in all the necessary fields and the template you have configured in the preview suits you, click the "Create" button:

Filling in variables before moderation of the template:

If {{1}} format variables were used when creating the template, then before sending this template for verification, you will need to specify these variables:

❗️ Filled variables do not affect the template itself and do not make it static with only these values.

They only play an important role in the moderation process on Facebook.

However, after successful moderation, you will have to fill in these variables again before submitting the template, manually or using a bot.

After that, click on the "Submit for moderation" button

The template will be moderated on Facebook* and will appear in the list of your templates with a gray status:

✅ Done! Now it remains only to wait for the result of template moderation.

If successful, you will be able to use it without delay. If moderation fails, you will have to make the necessary adjustments (by creating the template again, since you cannot edit the template) and send the template for reconsideration. 😉

WABA template with file /picture:

The procedure for creating a WABA template with a file/picture is the same as creating a regular template.

🔥 Unlike 360 dialog, when filling out a template before moderation, you do not need to search for a cloud to which you can upload an image\video\document to attach a link to it to the template.

When creating a template in our personal RadistWeb account, an image\video\document is uploaded to our cloud automatically.

The user uploads the file in the classic way at the stage of filling out the template before moderation.

At the "Header" stage, select the format you need (in this case, "image" is selected):

Next, fill in all the other fields necessary for you and click "Create"

A window will open where you will need to insert an image in a valid format: png, jpeg and no more than 5 MB

For a template with the "Document" format, acceptable formats are: pdf of no more than 3 MB in size

For a template with the "Video" format, acceptable formats are: mp4, 3gp with a size of no more than 16 MB

When you click on the "Submit for moderation" button, if everything is filled in, a template is created.

✅ Next, it automatically takes you to the template list page, a notification appears on a green background "The template has been successfully created".

WABA Authorization category template

To create a WABA template with the "Authorization" category, select the "Authorization" item in the "Template category" field

The distinctive fields for the template with the "Authorization" category are the following:

Two switches appear :

  • Security statement (whether to show "don't show the code to anyone")

  • Code expiration date + a field for entering the code expiration time (it is active only when the "Expiration date" switch is turned on). You can enter only numbers in the field, the value can be from 1 to 90 minutes

The authorization template consists of the Main text with 1 variable.

The text depends on the language. The text is determined by Facebook itself*, we do not influence it. And this text cannot be changed

The basement is an optional field.

The basement will contain information about the validity period of the code.

The basement will be active only after turning on the slider for the "Expiration date":


When selecting the "Authorization" template category, filling in the "buttons" field is mandatory:

There are 2 types of buttons: "Copy" or "Autofill" (you can add only 1 of them)

You can specify text for the copy button (maximum 20 characters). When you click on such a button, the code from the message will be copied to the clipboard.

The autofill button will work if the specified application is installed on the phone. If not installed, the copy button will be shown.

Next, as soon as you make sure that all the other necessary fields are filled in, click on the "Create" button

✅ Done! Now it remains only to wait for the result of template moderation. If successful, you will be able to use it without delay. If moderation fails, you will have to make the necessary adjustments (by creating the template again, since you cannot edit the template) and send the template for reconsideration. 😉

List of my WABA templates (main section):

A list of all your available templates, their statuses and management of these templates is carried out on the main page of WABA templates.

To do this, in the WABA templates section, select the number where you want to view the templates:

A list of your available templates and information about them will open:

If the template was created in our personal RadistWeb account, then the name will be the one that was specified during creation + the unique part.

If the template was created in 360 Dialog, then the name will be the same as there.

▶️ The "search" works according to the available WABA templates:

The search is performed by the name of the template and the text of the template.

▶️ When you hover over a specific template, a preview of this template appears, along with the buttons, the text in the preview will scroll.

Template Statuses:

The template has the following statuses:

The template is verified, active and can be used to communicate with customers

Template control buttons:


For WABA templates, you can edit only the name of the template. The template text cannot be edited.

They can only be "Deleted" and recreated.

Or "Create a copy", change the required fields inside and re-submit for moderation.

▶️ Clicking on "Create a copy" opens the template creation page, where all fields are filled in the same way as in the template to which a copy is being created:

▶️ Clicking on "Rename" opens a modal window for changing the template name. The "Rename template" field has a size limit of 256 characters, you can enter any characters.

When renaming a vaba template created in 360 dialog, the name from 360 dialog is displayed in the new name input field. When saving a new name, its value is recorded in the name field for our service, the name field from the 360 dialog does not change, but it will no longer be displayed from the list of templates.

Enter a new name and click on the "Save" button

▶️ Clicking on "Add language" opens the template creation page, where all fields are filled in the same way as in the template to which a copy is being created, except for the language selection field:

▶️ When you click on "Delete"

a confirmation window appears confirming the deletion:

When you click on the "Cancel" button, the notification window closes.

When you click on "Delete", the notification window closes. The notification "Template is being deleted" appears, the template is deleted within 10 seconds.

После выполненного удаления WABA-шаблона появляется уведомление «WABA-шаблон был удален» и шаблон пропадает из списка.

Sending a WhatsApp Business API template to RW:

To select a WhatsApp Business API template to send, click on the "templates" button in the chat window and set the switch to "WhatsApp". The search works by the text of the templates.

When you select a template, a window opens where you can attach attachments, enter data in the input fields and check the template before sending.

If the template selected for sending contains text input fields and/or should contain a media file, the template will not be sent until the file is attached or while there are blank text input fields.

Last updated