
Chat interface

Counter of unanswered messages

Chats are arranged depending on which chat the last incoming message came to. Opposite the chat, where there are unanswered messages (not to be confused with "not read"), the counter is lit in green, indicating how many incoming messages came from the client.

There are two ways to reset the unanswered message counter:

1 - send a response message to the client

2 - click the "No reply is required" button

Message statuses

There are 4 types of message statuses:

  1. Sent (1 gray check mark)

2. Delivered (2 gray check marks)

3. Read (2 green check marks)

4. Delivery error:

In cases where the message cannot be sent for some reason, the message background will be red with a red exclamation mark icon. When you hover over the red exclamation mark icon, the reason for the error will be displayed.

Errors in RadistWeb chats may be of the following nature:

  • “The messenger account was not found” (if there is no account on the contact's phone number)

  • “Subscription not paid”

  • “There are no paid WABA dialogues”

  • "Unknown error. Contact technical support.” (for all other errors). In case of such an error, the help of our technical support is already required

Voice messages

Voice message recording starts by clicking on the "microphone" icon in the chat window:

By clicking on the "cross", you can cancel sending, by clicking on the "checkmark" - send a record of a voice message.

Last updated